Christian Book


I made this list for the purpose of helping those wanting to find books that help them in their journey with God, or wanting to read more about God in a way to learn a new perspective on Him. I not only personally recommend these books but have read through them myself. These books have all helped me in some way in my life and have ultimately helped me see a new perspective and helped me mature more as I have grown as a Christian.Just letting you homies know, these books were made by people who may have similar struggles to you, we are all still growing, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THE BIBLE ABOVE ALL COMPARED TO ANY BOOK and not blindly believing everything you read from books that aren't the bible. These books below I feel do not set you on the wrong path but if you take anything from reading this,PLEASE be careful when you read any kind of media when it comes to God and make sure things align with what the bible says and not what people say. People can be a great reflection of God and help you see something new, but they are not a 100% confirmed right all the time thing and are not God. Let God be your center piece, not other people's words. God can use people in amazing ways and give them great wisdom, SO PLEASE EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN READING ANYTHING.These books below, I feel are strong examples of God's reflection and help us focus on what's more important. Read them in face value and do not judge the books by a couple of pages. There maybe a few things that you may not agree with in these books but I encourage you to read further to see if there is anything in these books worth gleaming from. (I took a lot of good from these books) Okay homies that's all I have to say in general. I hope any of these books help you in your journey with God like they have helped me in my life.

Fresh Wind Fresh Fire
by Jim Cymbala

This is a book my pastor bought for me while I was on the staff team for my church (You'll see a few of these that my pastor bought HAHA). This is the story of a church called the Brooklyn Tabernacle and Jim Cymbala's story and it is really impactful and speaks so much truth.Here's a small semi summary of it:
He was a pastor who didn't have any teaching at all started from scratch basically and was trying to build up a really run down church and you see the struggles he not only went through but the struggle of the people who came into the church and his own family as well. This book will make you cry if you have a heart I'm just saying. This taught me a lot about not only being someone of God who can teach others with some degree or pastoral teaching, the bible alone can teach someone how to reach others and this book is a beautiful proof of that. I've read pieces of this on stream as well. This is incredibly worth your read. I guarantee you, this talks about the power of prayer, God changing lives, amazing stories of God providing, etc.

The Purpose Driven Life
by Rick Warren

This is a book my Pastor let me borrow as I've been eager to read more about God. AND MAN This book is great, especially for struggles with your purpose and what God made you for. This I feel would be great if you're not a Christian and are curious about what God is about. This book is a really cool 40 day plan that really got into my heart a lot. This even talks on struggles with temptation in such a good way that I ultimately love and has helped me face temptations in my life.(In case you were wondering no you don't have to read it within 40 days, read it at your own pace, it took me legit MONTHS to read through all of it HAHA and it was helpful every step of the way even though it took a long time for me to read.)I've read this on stream a couple of times and this has even met the needs of others. There are stories in this book that will move your heart and I can guarantee that. I WILL SAY AT THE BEGINNING and a couple of times, there is the whole "in this book you'll discover how to" vibe I recommend looking past that if you're not a fan of that kind of wording, (I'm not necessarily a fan of it either) because there is so much more beyond it that is so good. My dad and a lot of people who are older than me have read this book but I read it as of 2022 and even though this is an older book ITS STILL REALLY GOOD.

Draw The Circle
by Mark Batterson

This is the first ever Spiritual Growth book that I have ever read, and honestly the reason I read and enjoy reading many Spiritual Growth books to this day. This another book my Pastor gave us as a staff team back when I was an Online Director and this changed my life. This book charted my course to ultimately changing how I pray and truly seeking God in the right way. After reading this book I changed so many things about my life and started growing a lot with God. If you get a first experience into Spiritual Growth books, this one I recommend HIGHLY due to it being my first Spiritual Growth Book.This is another 40 Day Prayer Book but this is ultimately a lot shorter and smaller than The Purpose Driven Life. I can tell you that reading Day 2 alone was enough to get me hooked on this book, and Day 7 ignited my fire for God and what I want to do with my life. Different days may effect you in your life. I cannot recommend this one enough, its worth trying out ESPECIALLY if you feel like your prayer life is dry and mundane. Or just not a good one, this helped me get more and more comfortable praying to God and not worrying about messing up and just being myself with God. I hope this does the same for you, if you read it.

Character Matters
by Mark Rutland

Yet another book my Pastor got me when I was apart of the staff team. This one was really good talking about Character, mainly our Character as people. AND MAN DOES THIS ONE SLAP. Ya'll know those very wise people who just know the right kind of things to say that really wake you up to reality? This is one of those books. It is pretty down to earth stuff like this accurately describes things you don't think about with how we act but opens your eyes to a new way of seeing how we have to look out and build a good character in the right way.I will give you a WARNING right now, he does talk about events that are/were a hot topic. Things like that people will get mad over I am letting you know right now. (NO he doesn't choose a political side or insight political arguments) Some of the things he talks about are deep but a good root into good Christian Values. He has a little bit of an old way of saying this but its true authentic wisdom in a lot of places, if you're willing to read through it, I CAN PROMISE YOU its worth it.This book helped me distinguish things like how "A True statement doesn't always mean the truth" and many things based on the characteristics I will name as a summary of what he goes over in this book. He talks about these traits in great ways:
Honesty was a big one for me that really cracked open my mind to see things in a new light and Modesty was really cool to read about too. If these words strike you as something you want to read about, definitely pick this book up, I am not kidding you when I say this is a pretty good book.

Holy Ambition
by Chip Ingram

This is ANOTHER book my pastor let me borrow HAHA, this one was after reading Purpose Driven Life. This was the last book I read either late 2022 or early 2023. I absolutely loved this book!This book primarily revolves around the book Nehemiah in the Old Testament and a big running joke with myself and my community is my favorite number 52. And Nehemiah was a prominent person in getting the walls of Jerusalem being rebuilt after a lot of destruction. (Which took 52 days) This really connected with me on a lot of things I have to work on within myself. A lot of leadership in this book. It also includes the part in 2 Chronicles about King Asa, which by the way, EVERY CHRISTIAN NEEDS TO READ THAT PART IN THE BIBLE. It shows that we can get complacent as believers and ultimately could go down the wrong path, we are not perfect because we believe or our past faithful actions, its a CONSTANT dedication to make sure we are right with God.It even calls to question of the phrase in the bible "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him." Are we people who are blameless towards him? What about our faith? This is a very important read if you have God given dreams, goals, and purposes you want to fulfill.This book helped me grow as a man of God and has pushed me inwardly to do more in trusting God and to step bigger steps of faith. Even breaking comfort zones. If you haven't read Nehemiah or looking for a good perspective on the book for a great call to action within your life/relationship with God. This is a must read, I give my back bone for this book. Definitely one of my favorites.

I will be adding about 1 more books to the big list with these soon as I can, I'm still reading books at the moment...

As I read more, I won't be able to post images and text due to a limit so after I hit that limitation I plan to add a text version of other books I recommend as I read more. Thank you for reading through these if you have, even if its just a good helpful resource that gets you closer to God, I will know that this work put it into this won't go to waste.
Remember that God will NEVER set you on the wrong path in your life, always consult him above people and keep seeking him truly as you go through your journey in life. Things won't be easy sometimes and things might even be confusing at first. There's is nothing wrong with asking questions but always remember sometimes we don't get answers at a certain time because it is not meant for us to get an answer. It took me 3 years one time to see why God put me through the things in my life that he did. Don't try and rush things.

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